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Xcerlon Consulting Pte Ltd

It all began when Advanced Development Systems (ADS) saw demand for deep technical expertise on technology platform, solutions, and services. Given ADS’s business model is based on trading of technology products and low level support services, they prefer to build this technical capacity outside their organisation. Therefore the best way to address this demand and the business model is to spin off a child company and this company is XCERLON CONSULTING.

Xcerlon Consulting is a consultancy firm that specialises in IT business solutions for business enterprises. Through our dedicated managed services, infrastructure development and business solutions, we enable companies to implement strategic enterprise solutions so as to develop competitive advantage in this ever-changing business environment.

Till date, we have differentiated ourselves with our extra commitment and outstanding support to carefully study and understand each and every one of our clients. We know what are our clients’ needs and wants; and are able to work hand in hand as a big family. These strong bonding clearly distinguished ourselves from all our competitors in the industry.

With this focus in mind, we strongly believe that we will be able to assist our strategic clients in overcoming their business hurdles from the IT prospectus. Xcerlon Consulting gives that edge to any organisation worldwide – offering each the most successful solutions that cater for the particular industry.

Nestat Consulting (www.nestat.com)

Founded in 2000, Nestat Consulting (“Nestat”) is a leading consulting firm specializing in enterprise technology and solutions based on Linux and other Open Source technology. Nestat designs, develops, and markets hardware, software, solutions and services, including building enterprise infrastructure and computing solutions, fault-tolerant business-critical solutions, and other internet services such as server farm hosting and co-location. Information on Nestat and its products and services is available at http://www.nestat.com.


Copyright 2004 Advanced Development Systems